Bill Viola – Tiny Deaths

Bill Viola’s Tiny Deaths is not quite classed as an installation, but video art. It is played within a room that is close to pitch black. You are unable to see who is with you, or if you are alone. Until however, the figures appear and then disappears with a crescendo of light. This crescendo…

Project Feedback Sessions – March 24th.

Today I had two feedback sessions with two different artists. Both Juliet and Anna are art based practitioners and so I felt could give me some more broad advice instead of just photographic advice. Recently I’ve been stuck as to where to take my project next, how to get to the next steps in order…

Natividad by Guillermo “Habacuc” Vargas

Whilst looking into installations and the different types that exist, I came across Natividad. Now, Natividad isn’t necessarily a ‘bog standard’ installation as it wasn’t built for the specific environment that it was placed in, which most installations are, however, I chose to look into Natividad as it had a very strong authority over those…

Oil Paintings by Davide Cambria.

I have been struggling lately to think of a photographic element to incorporate into my installation. I’m not sure whether to still have photography, or which route to take in terms of genre of photography. I had an idea or a thought of using self-portraiture as the photographic element, taking a self-portrait every day until…

Joan Jonas – Vertical Roll 1972

During a feedback session today, it was mentioned that it might be more successful if all the three components of my installation matched each other. At the moment the audio that I have created, to put over the videos does not match the videos at all purposely. So, some feedback mentioned that it might have…

Thomas Demand.

I thought it was about time I started to look into some Installations as that is what I am aiming to create. Although I have created one before, this one needs to be 1,000,000 times better as it’s for my Masters degree nothing can be wrong In my opinion. For my Critical Reflective Summary, I…

Project Proposal – The Projection of an Anxious state of Mind.

I thought it would be a good idea to post my project proposal for my major project in Digital Media MA so that any viewers keeping up to date with the development of my project, could potentially get a better understanding of my project as a whole. I have uploaded the pages from the PDF…

The Bathroom Window – The First Recording.

As part of my installation, I have decided to record household sounds in order to aid in the projection of anxiety. As of yet, they aren’t processed in any way as I wanted to hear the original recordings first. Here I have the recording of the bathroom window.  

Francesca Stern Woodman

Francesca Stern Woodman, an American photographer from 1958 – 1981, is best known for her black and white photographs, that either includes herself or female models. Many of her photographs show young women who are nude, blurred (due to movement and long exposure times), merging with their surroundings, or whose faces are obscured. Her work continues to…

The Photography Element.

I mentioned in previous posts that there will be a photography element to my installation to go alongside the moving image and the audio. With it now being February, it’s time I start to think about the photographic element. The reason behind why I have not yet undertaken any photography except the two experiments I posted…

Christian Boltanski

Boltanski is a French sculptor, photographer, painter, and filmmaker, better known for his photographic installations and contemporary French Conceptual style. Boltanski began creating mixed media/materials installations with light as the essential concept in 1986. Tin boxes, altar-like construction of framed and manipulated photographs for example; photographs of Jewish schoolchildren taken in Vienna in 1931, used as a forceful reminder of…