Thomas Demand

At first glance, you see this as a photograph. But is it? Take a closer look. Are they leafs? Is that glass? The answer is no. This is a photograph of a model of a photograph. Created by German artist Thomas Demand, who painstakingly cut and folded thousands upon thousands of pieces of card in…

Project Feedback Sessions – March 24th.

Today I had two feedback sessions with two different artists. Both Juliet and Anna are art based practitioners and so I felt could give me some more broad advice instead of just photographic advice. Recently I’ve been stuck as to where to take my project next, how to get to the next steps in order…

Raw Materials – Bruce Nauman

My project has started to take a slight turn in that my installation now feels as though it is about the experience I create for the viewer. In order to feel what I wish the viewers to feel, they have to experience my installation in such a way it allows for that feeling to really…

Natividad by Guillermo “Habacuc” Vargas

Whilst looking into installations and the different types that exist, I came across Natividad. Now, Natividad isn’t necessarily a ‘bog standard’ installation as it wasn’t built for the specific environment that it was placed in, which most installations are, however, I chose to look into Natividad as it had a very strong authority over those…

Joan Jonas – Vertical Roll 1972

During a feedback session today, it was mentioned that it might be more successful if all the three components of my installation matched each other. At the moment the audio that I have created, to put over the videos does not match the videos at all purposely. So, some feedback mentioned that it might have…